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Category Archives: Beauty

6 tips to recover clear skin, facial skin, body skin can handle it

6 tips to recover clear skin, facial skin, body skin can handle it

Any young woman who wants to have both facial skin and body that is naturally beautiful. Even if faced with a lot of dust or pollution. Today we will invite you to clean your skin properly. Tell me that each way girls can be applied immediately Plus, there are no

7 tips to "write eyeliner" for beginners

7 tips to “write eyeliner” for beginners

Hello, Hello! Greetings to all my dear Sis girls. They must be relying on the power of makeup to help each other, right ??? Then one of the makeup steps that can help make your eyes look bigger, bigger and more striking. It is to write “eyeliner” to make the

Tips to solve the problem of wrinkles by yourself

Tips to solve the problem of wrinkles by yourself

In addition to the beautiful world with our hands The face can also be beautiful with our hands as well. Do you know that the facial massage on the spot on a regular basis? It can help the problem of withered The face can sag as well. Which today

Benefits of "Beta Glucan" that you should know

Benefits of “Beta Glucan” that you should know

Beta Glucan, a natural nutrient with its benefits “Immunity” that you should know because our bodies are active every day. The deterioration occurs all the time. Especially working people Plus many factors both internal and external. It may cause our immune system to deteriorate or worsen. Getting sick easily. So how do

Let's eat food to create beautiful teeth

Let’s eat food to create beautiful teeth

Besides the following face shape, another thing that shines along with a colorful face is teeth. Which if we have good dental health, it will make us look good as well, including personalization With probably no young face who wants to see the smile of the girls Come

How to Get Rid of Large Pores, oily face

How to Get Rid of Large Pores, oily face

Large pores, oily face! Common skin problems in Thai women The more you age The pores are even more noticeable. Until having to find a secret to help tighten pores But no matter what method The problem of large pores is also bothering. In any case, it will not disappear once. That is

5 Facial cleansers for dry skin girls

5 Facial cleansers for dry skin girls

Dry skin girls, please come here today we have a cleansing foam for dry skin people to tell you about. It is a Japanese girl. He picked it up and used it very well! And worth the best in the year 2021 there are a total of 5, some of

"5 thing make you beautiful and good shape"

“5 thing make you beautiful and good shape”

Today the author will combine the most strange reasons. People use to explain why a pretty good shape to be in a pile and then wanes cry Huh! Can you like this too? Let’s leave it. Each reason is cool. Let’s see. 1. Ang with rice pot Help your face